Saturday, February 9, 2008

We Formed a Blog

Right now my throat is heavily breaded, much like a fish-stick, with a sooty coat of smoke from ye' olde emphysema-ridden establishment, The Horse Brass. Less than one year from now, patrons and bar employees alike should be enjoying a collective gasp of fresh air, as Oregon will follow suit of most of the States and adopt a smoking-ban, effectively keeping your hair and clothes from smelling like the basement of hell when you return home. I, for one, am giddy with anticipatory excitement. I no longer will have to be concerned about my laundry cycles, nor will I any longer will I be forced to wear ugly "bar clothes" when I go out. I will sadly miss you, though, generic gray shirt.

Getting laid success-rate: 0.00078%. 

So, as I sit here in bed, recovering from a night of second-hand smoke and hard cider, I will wistfully recall those smoke-free Washingtonian days of yesteryear by inaugurating this blog as the Best Of Blog. Within it you shall find delicious old morsels of writing from my Northern days in Bellingham, nuggets of wisdom from my fleeting moments in Vancouver, and all things in between. I'll even throw in a few free steak-knives in the form of Portland blogging and, of course, the ubiquitous "more-to-come".

So what's first up? My about my watered-down indictment of Costco, a pretty tame screed considering I wrote it as a employee with a slowly forming hernia:

1 comment:

jana said...

okay, yeah. i reread it.