Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bush is Cool again

Ice Cold

Bush has unveiled his list of presidential pardons before he bows out of an historic 8-year clusterfuck of lies, smarminess, and horribleness, and it's particularly noteworthy for not only being rather brief, but including a rapper.

The rapper in question is John Forte, who has done some collaboration with the Fugees among others. He was busted for cocaine and received some rather harsh sentencing under the current mandatory minimums that are being hotly contested right now, and now, thanks to Cool Daddy Bush, he is free.

I have no reasonable idea what was behind the decision for Bush to release him, other than maybe it makes him look Cool. I'm guessing he asked one of his Presidential Pages if they knew any Cool black people in jail for something stupid and quickly signed off on it. But what's even more Cool? He's not pardoning Scooter Libby, that one dude that was part of his circle and had a funny name and did something that was bad. Right now, Bush is so Cool, Steven King should retroactively add him to his "What's Cool" list.

Oh, I just found out this guy is much cooler.

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