Saturday, April 25, 2009

Some critical commentary on the new Kanye West video

It really fucking sucks:

Okay, I take that back. Hype Williams really sucks. Seriously, the guy makes the same videos every time: ridiculously polished and completely devoid of feeling or giving a shit about the tone of the music. The video itself looks good, and by itself I mean the palate of colors, the scenery, the lighting, etc. But you can only stare so much at pretty waterfalls and expansive lagoons while an incredibly dark song about the loneliness of egotism plays in the background before wondering whether Williams actually storyboarded this video for an old Kanye song and just dropped its template and wads of cash on top of "Amazing".

I think I'm so angry about this because the song itself is pretty amazing. It has a lot going on with it, from the aforementioned creepy darkness that's completely different from West's entire catalog (808s included) to a weird emotional dystopian futurism that sorta sounds like Frankenstein's monster being built for heartache warfare.

Had I directed the video, I would have first spent all the excess budget on counseling for Kanye and done a 4-minute slow-zoom one-shot of him rapping from a coffin with diffuse underlighting. God, this video really looks like half PR packet for Club Med half outtakes from Lost. Can we please end Hype Williams career, and with it, the oodles of unnecessary money he spends in place of being creative or even clever?

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